* Parche para área de subtítulos (posición y tamaño). * Subtítulos blancos con borde negro y fondo transparente (y una fuente más grande) * Corregido el bug 1 segundo subtítulos srt
Hi, There is one problem detected over this firmware.
When I upgrade the player to this firmware I can only watch pictures one time, if I shut down the player, in the next start I can't watch pictures anymore, when I try to play picturesthe player shut down itself D:
This problem was not present in the original firmware.
I've tested upgrading more than 5 times obtaining the same result.
Philips DVP3560/F7 over the big pond is Philips DVP3560-12 here in Europe and yes, i'm looking for a firmware vb6rocod, too... What i think: i want to pay 10% of the shelf price of the player for the firmware. Who is with me in this one?
Efectiv nu am ce face cu acest player. Spun cu tupeu in cartea tehnica ca are suport pentru limba romana, este o mare minciuna. In afara ca se vad ca naiba, un fel de semitransparenta, fonturi minuscule etc, apar si tot felul de caractere in locul diacriticelor. De aceea, zic sa punem mina de la mina si sa platim munca celui care va face firmware-ul. Eu zic ca 10% din pretul de raft al playerului, este potrivit. Am platit 49.99, deci unde trimit cei 5 euro?
I tried this on my DVP3560, and now it can't read disks. It displays "Loading" for a minute or so, and then it displays "No disk". When I try to restore the original, official Philips software, it doesn't recognize the .bin file. The USB port still works, though.
When I check for the firmware number, I get this:
PPPP-V45 DVP3560K-55 SERVO: 62.07 REG: 4
I'm not blaming anyone but me, but if anyone has any suggestions on how to restore the original firmware, I'd appreciate it!
6 comentarii:
Hi, There is one problem detected over this firmware.
When I upgrade the player to this firmware I can only watch pictures one time, if I shut down the player, in the next start I can't watch pictures anymore, when I try to play picturesthe player shut down itself D:
This problem was not present in the original firmware.
I've tested upgrading more than 5 times obtaining the same result.
By chance would this firmware work for the DVP3560/F7 sold in Walmart in the US and Canada?
If not, any plans for this player?
Keep up the great work vb6rocod! Canada Philips owners love your awesome hacks!
Here is a link to the player in question:
My name is Wilton.
After the update the message.
Check sum fail.
Philips DVP3560/F7 over the big pond is Philips DVP3560-12 here in Europe and yes, i'm looking for a firmware vb6rocod, too...
What i think: i want to pay 10% of the shelf price of the player for the firmware.
Who is with me in this one?
Efectiv nu am ce face cu acest player. Spun cu tupeu in cartea tehnica ca are suport pentru limba romana, este o mare minciuna. In afara ca se vad ca naiba, un fel de semitransparenta, fonturi minuscule etc, apar si tot felul de caractere in locul diacriticelor.
De aceea, zic sa punem mina de la mina si sa platim munca celui care va face firmware-ul. Eu zic ca 10% din pretul de raft al playerului, este potrivit. Am platit 49.99, deci unde trimit cei 5 euro?
I tried this on my DVP3560, and now it can't read disks. It displays "Loading" for a minute or so, and then it displays "No disk". When I try to restore the original, official Philips software, it doesn't recognize the .bin file. The USB port still works, though.
When I check for the firmware number, I get this:
PPPP-V45 DVP3560K-55
SERVO: 62.07 REG: 4
I'm not blaming anyone but me, but if anyone has any suggestions on how to restore the original firmware, I'd appreciate it!
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